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In-lab sleep study - Preparing for an In-Lab Sleep Study

An in-lab sleep study involves an overnight stay at a sleep center, hospital or even a special hotel room. These environments are set up to make you as comfortable as possible so you can have a full night’s sleep. Typically, you will not need to report for your sleep study until the early evening.

On the day of your in-lab sleep study, you should:

  • Try to follow your regular routine as much as possible.

  • Avoid napping

  • Eliminate use of caffeine after lunch

  • Shower or avoid using hair sprays or gels that can interfere with the sleep recording

If you are on a regular medication, speak with your board-certified sleep medicine physician. Your doctor may recommend for you to temporarily discontinue using the medication.

When it is time to report for your sleep study, bring any items that you need for your nightly routine. Prepare for the sleep study as if you are staying at a hotel for a night. You may want to bring:

  • Comfortable pajamas or clothes to sleep in

  • A toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss

  • Makeup remover

  • Reading material

  • Clean clothes for the morning

When you arrive, a sleep technologist will ask about your sleep habits. There may be a pre-sleep questionnaire for you to fill out.

You will have some time to make yourself at home. There will not be any other patients in your room. You will have a bathroom available to use, and you may have a television that you can watch.

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